Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little waterfall at Victor Bay

It was a rainy weekend, and that messed with my hiking plans!  I'd planned to hike to both Holy Cross Point and to a waterfall that is over near King George Mountain, but both of those tend to be wet hikes, including crossing a shallow creek to go to Holy Cross Point, and we'd had too much rain for me to be sure that those creeks I'd have to cross would be safe on foot.  It's a shame too, since this is the first weekend I've had where I wasn't on first or second call on either day for 6 weeks!

So, instead I headed over to Victor Bay on Sunday (when the rain let up for most of the day, unlike the washout that was Saturday), where I'd never walked along the beach there before.  I'll show you the beach in a later post.  For today, here is a little waterfall on a creek that I had to cross to get to the beach.  Even this little creek gave me trouble crossing it due to all the runoff from the rain, but I eventually found a spot.  There were lots of places where I was 95% sure I could leap from rock to rock without falling, but it's that 5% when hiking alone that is too big a risk- if I fell and broke something, I'd get hypothermic in the water long before anyone came looking for me.  Rocks are slippery when wet.

Here are some rapids burbling away on the land.  I don't know if the creek has a name.

Fall colours are out, have been for some time:

Here's the creek coming up to a bend where it enters the waterfall:

There it goes, in between that gap in the rocks:

Another view as it starts heading down:

Looking up at it from below.  There's nothing to show size, but the mini-canyon would be around maybe 20 feet in the deepest spots?  I'm not that good with estimates.

Here's the creek coming out onto the beach, and flowing into Victor Bay.

Stay tuned and I'll show you the beach pictures later on, when I have time to go through them.


  1. Nice! At least you did a bit of hiking. Now you are coming back to civilization: how does it feel? There is still a little bit of summer left for you to enjoy.
