Saturday, December 19, 2009

Regular programming will resume shortly

At least one or two of you have noticed I was missing- I've had some enquiries as to whether or not I was still alive.  I am-- I had a chance to go hiking in southern Nevada so that's where I've been.  I just got back, and do I have photos!  It's difficult to take a bad photo in the mountainous terrain and dry blue skies of Nevada, so I plan to inflict a lot of them on you.  It may take me a while to go through them though, but stay tuned, hopefully I'll have some up sometime on Saturday.


  1. Great pics, Nancy! Thanks for posting.

  2. Oh, thank goodness! I thought maybe a)you'd contracted swine flu, left your apartment to pick up some o.j. and got hit by a car with a peace sign on the gas-door cover; b)the nursing establishment woke up and hired you post haste (as they should) so now you're too busy to write; c)you just got your own talk show, bumping Ellen, on which you have any guest you like and talk about nothing and everything and play silly games with your guests and the audience, and now you have no time for us little people from Up North.

    So thank goodness it turns out you were just busy making your own fun and bringing us all along for the ride. (P.S. Still, please look both ways before crossing any canyons.)
